Fraud Assistance


Identity crime is the fastest growing and most serious economic crime in the United States.  Although identity crime presents unique challenges, law enforcement agencies have an ethical and professional obligation to assist identity crime victims and bring criminals to justice.  This Hinsdale Police Department will take the following measures in response to the report of an identity crime:

1) A case file will be generated and the criminal complaint recorded;

2) You will be provide with necessary information to help restore their pre-crime status.  This webpage is a large part of this information;

3) A copy of the recorded police report will be provide to victims as required by federal law;

4) If possible we will work with other federal, state, and local law enforcement and reporting agencies as well as financial institutions to solve identity crime cases reported to us;


Identity Crime: The fraudulent use of another person’s identifying information—such as credit card, social security, or driver’s license numbers—with the intent to facilitate other criminal activities or to obtain credit, goods, or services without the victim’s consent.  No financial loss is necessary.

Identity Theft Report: A police report that contains specific details of an identity crime is considered an identity theft report under section 605B of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Read more of this post


Hinsdale Police Department Commonly Requested Forms –

HPD Written Statement

Request for Security-Check-Form

Complaints Against Police Personnel

Non-Resident Pistol Permit

Resident Pistol Permit

VIN Check Form

DMV Operator Report

DMV Change of Address Form

NH State Links –

State of NH Boating 

State of NH Driver’s Education

State of NH Motor Vehicle Licensing

State of NH Financial Responsibility

State of NH Motorcycle Training

State of NH Registrations

State of NH Title Information

Mission Statement

Hinsdale Police Department

The mission of the Hinsdale Police Department is to protect and serve our community with integrity, professionalism and compassion; ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens through proactive policing and community partnerships.

Dedication of New Police Facility

In the fall of 2012 a great opportunity came before the town when the Major’s approached the town with an offer to donate their buildings and land to the town. In December of 2012 the town held a public hearing and accepted the donation from the Majors. It cannot be stated clearly enough that without this donation the desire of the town and need for a new facility to be on Main Street would not have come true. We have recognized this by placing an engraved granite bench in recognition of the Major’s land contribution in front of the building. We thank them for their generous donation and making this facility a reality.


In March of 2013 the taxpayers of the Town spoke loud and clear voting to approve the construction of a new police facility on the Major property.

Throughout 2013 the town officials worked tirelessly to purchase the property of 12 Main Street and address boundary issues and prepare the legal paperwork to begin with the demolition and construction process.



I would also like to make a special thank you to all of the highway and water department crews for their help. They have been instrumental in helping us make this building a success and their hard work has saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars.

In 2001 the Hinsdale Police Department was faced with the need to hire a new Chief and leader. After a lengthy process we were blessed with the hiring of Chief Wayne Gallagher. Over the next 11 years Chief Gallagher took our police department to a new level and made us a benchmark agency in many areas. He is an outstanding leader, mentor, teacher, friend and co-worker. Chief Gallagher brought out the best in us, encouraged us to take on new roles, trusted our abilities and made them better.

On a personal note I can say that he became someone I have immense respect and admiration for and my career and success would not have been possible if it was not for him personally mentoring me and our friendship.

Over 6 years ago Chief Gallagher also had a dream to move us into a new police station. He designed the building, worked hard to come up with out of the box ideas and did what he could to push for this building. In April of 2012 he retired as our Chief having not completed his final dream of leaving us with a new building.

Well, 8 short months later his dream became a reality. Chief Gallagher did not abandoned us though and right up until a few weeks ago he and I spent many hours building lockers and working inside of his building.

In recognition of Chief Gallagher’s outstanding leadership it is with great honor that I dedicate this facility to Chief Wayne Gallagher. We have created a commemorative plaque that will be displayed in our front lobby for all to see when they come to visit us.

Wayne…. thank you for all you have done for us and this will always be your building and you will always be our Chief.

Listen to the WTSA Press Release for this dedication –

Town Parking Ordinance Reminder

The Hinsdale Police Department would like to remind all operators that the winter parking ban goes into effect on November 1 and runs through April 1.  The Town of Hinsdale Traffic Ordinance specifically regulates and states,

III. Between November 1st and April 1st from 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M., no vehicle shall be parked beyond the boundaries of the public way within the Town so that it interferes with the removal of snow from the highways and parking lots. This shall not apply to vehicles parked in designated areas except between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. However, the Historical Society lot shall be designated as an overnight lot for emergency purposes only and vehicles must be removed by 7:00 a.m.
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New Police Department is Open!

The Hinsdale Police Department is pleased to report that our new police facility is open. We will be having an open house on December 5, 2015 between 9:00 AM and 5 PM.  There will be comments and a dedication ceremony beginning at 10:00 AM. To everyone who helped make this new facility a reality we all cannot thank you enough for your support.

Chief Todd Faulkner

Hands Free Law

New Hampshire’s Hands Free Law
will take effect July 1, 2015

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